At the last AGM in 2021 it was agreed that we should tidy up our northern and southern boundaries. Scarborough Birders have always included Blue Dolphin CP in their area, and we appear to have accidentally included it in our area as well for a few years. So our northern boundary is now Bowes Lane to the Blue Dolphin CP south entrance, and then along the CP southern side to Cunstone Nab.

The Flamborough Bird Observatory northern boundary runs from Dulcey Dock (the south end of Speeton Sands) along grid reference northing TA75 (the Speeton Hills southern edge) to the Reighton road and down to the Dotterel Inn roundabout.  Our southern boundary will therefore abut Flamborough’s boundary. So by adding Speeton Sands and inland to our FBOG area we will have full coverage of the coast between Flamborough and Scarborough.

The inland boundary remains the A165.

An updated map of the amended FBOG recording area has been posted.

FBOG Recorder